🧠✨ Unleash Your Inner Genius: Issue 34's Epic Brain Adventure Awaits!

Published about 1 month ago • 2 min read


Hey there, Brainiacs!

Strap in and grab your favorite beverage because issue 34 of our newsletter has landed in your inbox like a superhero—albeit with less spandex and more actionable insights.

This edition is so packed with goodies, that you might need to sit down. From unraveling the mysteries of your brain to unlocking the vault of business acumen, we're about to embark on a journey that's part Indiana Jones, part Elon Musk, and 100% The Business Brain.

Are you ready to dive in?

Because it's not just any newsletter; it's the espresso shot your week needs.

Episodes You May Have Missed:

Helping, Not Helping

Explore the essential elements of business strategy and personal development. We delve into creating long-term value through planning and decision-making, emphasizing the notion of delayed instant gratification for future rewards. Drawing from personal anecdotes, we discuss the importance of resiliently navigating setbacks, reframing failures as opportunities for growth, and making strategic choices to achieve success.

The Most Powerful Leverage In The World:

We explore Cheech and Chong’s business journey, evolving into a successful comedy duo with cannabis-related humor. Shannon discusses his upcoming book on entrepreneurship and the power of optimism in business. We delve into reframing thoughts, using positive language, and supporting peers for success. Consistent positivity and mutual support are highlighted as keys to thriving in business.



ToolBox Essential:

Navigating HR for your small biz?

Tailored for small businesses, Bambee offers personalized HR advice, compliance help, and employee management tools


So What Is Cash Flow?

Cash flow, the lifeblood of any small business, represents the net amount of cash and cash-equivalents moving into and out of a company. For a small business owner, managing cash flow effectively is crucial for survival and growth.

It's not just about the money you're earning; it's about the timing of those earnings versus your expenses. Proper cash flow management ensures you have enough cash on hand to cover your obligations, such as paying employees, purchasing supplies, and meeting other expenses.

This financial discipline helps small businesses avoid cash shortages, enabling them to invest in new opportunities, negotiate better terms with suppliers, and ultimately, secure the stability and flexibility needed to adapt and thrive in today’s dynamic business environment.


Buzzsprout Launches Happy To Help: A Customer Support Podcast



We're always looking to provide our listeners with the most valuable and impactful content. As we consider our next course offering, we want to hear directly from you about what topics you're most interested in.

Please take a moment to complete our quick survey below by clicking the link for the course topic you like best:

Which course would you like to see us offer next? (Please select one)

  • ​Psychology of Selling: Learn the art of persuasion and how psychological principles can enhance your sales strategy.
  • ​Remote Work Success: Discover key strategies for productivity, collaboration, and well-being while working remotely.
  • ​Creative Financing: Explore innovative financing options for your business, beyond traditional bank loans.
  • ​Science of Successful Teams: Understand the dynamics of high-performing teams and how to replicate their success in your organization.
  • ​Emotional Intelligence for Leaders: Enhance your leadership skills by mastering emotional intelligence principles to better connect with your team.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us! Your feedback is invaluable as we strive to create content that truly resonates with our community.



And there you have it—the end of issue 34.

We laughed, we learned, and maybe we even shed a tear for that third cup of coffee that never was. But like all good things, our time together must come to an end... until next time.

Remember, keep those neurons firing, and ideas flowing.

Until our next adventure, keep being awesome, stay charmed

Dave Hamilton & Shannon Jean

Business Brain

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